White Paper on Antimicrobial Resistance and State Action Plans for Containment in India
The report, “Antimicrobial Resistance and State Action Plans for containment in India,” reviews the progress of Antimicrobial Resistance Strategic Action Plans (SAPCARs) in India, identifying barriers, challenges, and best practices from pioneering states. It proposes strategies to accelerate the creation and execution of SAPCARs, with the aim of having all Indian states on board by 2026. The report highlights Kerala’s KARSAP, Madhya Pradesh’s strengthening of laboratory capacities, Delhi’s focus on cross-sectoral collaboration, and Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, and Sikkim’s tailored AMR strategies. The report aims to nurture innovation, enhance surveillance, and promote stewardship to build a resilient health system capable of addressing the AMR crisis. Launched during the Global South Conference on Infection Prevention and Control and Antimicrobial Stewardship (G-SPARC 2024), the report emphasizes the One Health approach and the need to protect future generations’ health.
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